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![]() MathScore EduFighter is one of the best math games on the Internet today. You can start playing for free! New York Math Standards - 1st GradeMathScore aligns to the New York Math Standards for 1st Grade. The standards appear below along with the MathScore topics that match. If you click on a topic name, you will see sample problems at varying degrees of difficulty that MathScore generated. When students use our program, the difficulty of the problems will automatically adapt based on individual performance, resulting in not only true differentiated instruction, but a challenging game-like experience.
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Problem Solving1.PS.1 Explore, examine, and make observations about a social problem or mathematical situation1.PS.2 Interpret information correctly, identify the problem, and generate possible solutions 1.PS.3 Act out or model with manipulatives activities involving mathematical content from literature and/or story telling 1.PS.4 Formulate problems and solutions from everyday situations (e.g., counting the number of children in the class or using the calendar to teach counting) 1.PS.5 Use informal counting strategies to find solutions 1.PS.6 Experience teacher-directed questioning process to understand problems 1.PS.7 Compare and discuss ideas for solving a problem with teacher and/or students to justify their thinking 1.PS.8 Use manipulatives (e.g., tiles, blocks) to model the action in problems 1.PS.9 Use drawings/pictures to model the action in problems 1.PS.10 Explain to others how a problem was solved, giving strategies and justifications Reasoning and Proof1.RP.1 Understand that mathematical statements can be true or false1.RP.2 Recognize that mathematical ideas need to be supported by evidence 1.RP.3 Investigate the use of knowledgeable guessing as a mathematical tool 1.RP.4 Explore guesses, using a variety of objects and manipulatives 1.RP.5 Justify general claims, using manipulatives 1.RP.6 Develop and explain an argument verbally or with objects 1.RP.7 Listen to and discuss claims other students make 1.RP.8 Use trial and error strategies to verify claims Communication1.CM.1 Understand how to organize their thought processes with teacher guidance`1.CM.2 Verbally support their reasoning and answer 1.CM.3 Share mathematical ideas through the manipulation of objects, drawings, pictures, charts, and symbols in both written and verbal explanations 1.CM.4 Listen to solutions shared by other students 1.CM.5 Formulate mathematically relevant questions 1.CM.6 Use appropriate mathematical terms, vocabulary, and language Connections1.CN.1 Recognize the connections of patterns in their everyday experiences to mathematical ideas (Patterns: Shapes )1.CN.2 Understand the connections between numbers and the quantities they represent (Counting Squares ) 1.CN.3 Compare the similarities and differences of mathematical ideas 1.CN.4 Understand how models of situations involving objects, pictures, and symbols relate to mathematical ideas 1.CN.5 Understand meanings of operations and how they relate to one another (Commutative Property 1 ) 1.CN.6 Understand how mathematical models represent quantitative relationships 1.CN.7 Recognize the presence of mathematics in their daily lives 1.CN.8 Recognize and apply mathematics to solve problems 1.CN.9 Recognize and apply mathematics to objects, pictures, and symbols Representation1.R.1 Use multiple representations including verbal and written language, acting out or modeling a situation, drawings, and/or symbols as representations1.R.2 Share mental images of mathematical ideas and understandings 1.R.3 Use standard and nonstandard representations 1.R.4 Connect mathematical representations with problem solving 1.R.5 Use mathematics to show and understand physical phenomena (e.g., estimate and represent the number of apples in a tree) 1.R.6 Use mathematics to show and understand social phenomena (e.g., count and represent sharing cookies between friends) 1.R.7 Use mathematics to show and understand mathematical phenomena (e.g., draw pictures to show a story problem, show number value using fingers on your hand) Number Sense and Operations1.N.1 Count the items in a collection and know the last counting word tells how many items are in the collection (1 to 100) (Counting Squares )1.N.2 Count out (produce) a collection of a specified size (10 to 100 items), using groups of ten (Counting Squares ) 1.N.3 Quickly see and label with a number, collections of 1 to 10 (Counting Squares ) 1.N.4 Count by 1's to 100 1.N.5 Skip count by 10's to 100 (Skip Counting ) 1.N.6 Skip count by 5's to 50 (Skip Counting ) 1.N.7 Skip count by 2's to 20 (Skip Counting ) 1.N.8 Verbally count from a number other than one by 1's 1.N.9 Count backwards from 20 by 1's 1.N.10 Draw pictures or other informal symbols to represent a spoken number up to 20 1.N.11 Identify that spacing of the same number of objects does not affect the quantity (conservation) 1.N.12 Arrange objects in size order (increasing and decreasing) 1.N.13 Write numbers to 100 1.N.14 Read the number words one, two, three…ten 1.N.15 Explore and use place value 1.N.16 Compare and order whole numbers up to 100 (Order Numbers to 1000 ) 1.N.17 Develop an initial understanding of the base ten system: 10 ones = 1 ten, 10 tens = 1 hundred (Counting Squares ) 1.N.18 Use a variety of strategies to compose and decompose one-digit numbers 1.N.19 Understand the commutative property of addition (Commutative Property 1 ) 1.N.20 Name the number before and the number after a given number, and name the number(s) between two given numbers up to 100 (with and without the use of a number line or a hundreds chart) 1.N.21 Use before, after, or between to order numbers to 100 (with or without the use of a number line) 1.N.22 Use the words higher, lower, greater, and less to compare two numberS 1.N.23 Use and understand verbal ordinal terms, first to twentieth 1.N.24 Develop and use strategies to solve addition and subtraction word problems (Basic Word Problems ) 1.N.25 Represent addition and subtraction word problems and their solutions as number sentences 1.N.26 Create problem situations that represent a given number sentence 1.N.27 Use a variety of strategies to solve addition and subtraction problems with one- and two-digit numbers without regrouping (Basic Word Problems ) 1.N.28 Demonstrate fluency and apply addition and subtraction facts to and including 10 (Fast Addition , Fast Addition Reverse , Fast Subtraction ) 1.N.29 Understand that different parts can be added to get the same whole 1.N.30 Estimate the number in a collection to 50 and then compare by counting the actual items in the collection Algebra1.A.1 Determine and discuss patterns in arithmetic (what comes next in a repeating pattern, using numbers or objects) (Patterns: Numbers , Patterns: Shapes )Geometry1.G.1 Match shapes and parts of shapes to justify congruency1.G.2 Recognize, name, describe, create, sort, and compare two-dimensional and three-dimensional shapes (Geometric Shapes ) 1.G.3 Experiment with slides, flips, and turns of two-dimensional shapes (Requires outside materials ) 1.G.4 Identify symmetry in two-dimensional shapes 1.G.5 Recognize geometric shapes and structures in the environment Measurement1.M.1 Recognize length as an attribute that can be measured1.M.2 Use non-standard units (including finger lengths, paper clips, students' feet and paces) to measure both vertical and horizontal lengths (Requires outside materials ) 1.M.3 Informally explore the standard unit of measure, inch 1.M.4 Know vocabulary and recognize coins (penny, nickel, dime, quarter) (Counting Money ) 1.M.5 Recognize the cent notation as ¢ 1.M.6 Use different combinations of coins to make money amounts up to 25 cents 1.M.7 Recognize specific times (morning, noon, afternoon, evening) 1.M.8 Tell time to the hour, using both digital and analog clocks 1.M.9 Know the days of the week and months of the year in sequence 1.M.10 Classify months and connect to seasons and other events 1.M.11 Select and use non-standard units to estimate measurements Statistics and Probability1.S.1 Pose questions about themselves and their surroundings1.S.2 Collect and record data related to a question 1.S.4 Display data in bar graphs using concrete objects with intervals of one 1.S.5 Use Venn diagrams to sort and describe data 1.S.6 Interpret data in terms of the words: most, least, greater than, less than, or equal to 1.S.7 Answer simple questions related to data displayed in pictographs (e.g., category with most, how many more in a category compared to another, how many all together in two categories) (Tally and Pictographs ) 1.S.8 Discuss conclusions and make predictions in terms of the words likely and unlikely 1.S.9 Construct a question that can be answered by using information from a graph Learn more about our online math practice software. |
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